Hi, I’m mark maclean.

From my earliest memories, I've felt a profound calling to support humanity, driven by a desire to uncover the deeper truths about our purpose of our lives, and how to create transformative change on an individual and collective level

This curiosity led me to immerse myself in the study of philosophy, ancient Eastern traditions, history, political science, leadership development, western and transpersonal psychology, and studying the nature of consciousness. While this journey granted me significant knowledge, I came to realize through introspection and personal growth that many answers lie within.

My own healing journey and struggles in finding my purpose and authentic self-expression ignited a passion for extending the same invitation to others. As a Soul Purpose Coach, I offer guidance in healing by facilitating safe exploration of shadows, assisting in navigating through fear, doubts, self-esteem challenges, anxieties, limiting beliefs, and negative patterns hindering individuals from living their most authentic and fulfilled lives.

I hold certifications as a Psychosynthesis Life Coach (PLC) and in Mindful-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), along with training in relational practices such as Authentic Relating Training Level 1 and experience with a practice called circling. Committed to personal and spiritual development I bring embodied wisdom of ancestral healing, Gene Keys and Human Design, and Eastern traditions and regularly engage in practices like meditation, breathwork, yoga, and maintain a lifelong dedication to learning and growth.

All this is backed by my 10+ years in the corporate world where i was in the system and realized how aspects of it were not serving my soul. My leadership and success in this world has gifted me the capacity to be in service to others.

My Story

Awakening to soul’S Purpose:

From Struggle to Success Through Personal & Spiritual growth

Childhood was undeniably a challenging time marked by financial hardships and mental illness in the family. The weight of my dad's battle with cancer and almost losing my mom to the suffering of mental illness has shaped many of my early experiences, creating a challenging foundation that has influenced my journey into adulthood. During these years I found refuge in isolation, finding escapes and ways to numb the pain and finding myself failing in school and heading down a dark path. Low self-esteem, doubt, confusion, loneliness, social anxiety, and finding it difficult to relate to people around me was the norm. It was at my lowest points in the dark night of the soul that I felt a calling begin to guide me towards a new path. I didn’t know it at the time, but i now know it was the calling of my soul.

I remember grieving as I left my high school counsellor’s office in grade 12 as she told me I didn’t have the grades to get into university unless I turned things around in the final semester. An existential moment of self-realization arose. I began experiencing a calling guiding me to explore meditation and self development. I was influenced by the book “Ishmael” and  by Eckhart Tolle’s “Power of Now” which inspired me to deepen my spiritual journey and to live fully in the present, through the pain and moments of joy. Over those 3 to 4 months I began having unexplainable experiences within my meditation practice and dream states. My focus and dedication to my spiritual practice enabled me to navigate the dark night of the soul 

My life had turned around in my early 20’s. I was excelling in University, I had a variety of friends and I was finding great success in the corporate world.  Although I had “made it” by some societal standards, the truth is that it was superficial. I found it difficult to deepen my relationships and find authentic connections. I would isolate myself, stuck in self sabotaging behaviour and doing the same things over and over again with no improvements to what really mattered to me, which was connection, community, feeling fully alive and having a clear purpose in this life. In my later 20’s an exciting leadership opportunity arose to move to Victoria and expand our business into a new market. Then, more challenges presented themselves. My father was diagnosed with dementia, Covid hit, and my business was heavily impacted. I struggled to find myself, my purpose and to overcome self sabotaging patterns. I thought about giving up, moving back to Vancouver and restarting. 

Once again another opportunity opened up to step into a leadership role with a new organisation. I began to feel the call of my soul I experienced over a decade earlier. Yet this time around, the message was stronger, inviting me to deepen into my spiritual and self-development practices. I re-engaged more fully with my meditation practice, explored yoga while studying the ancient wisdom of Eastern traditions, western and transpersonal psychology. I deepened into my healing journey and was receiving deep insights from plant medicine experiences. I couldn't pull myself away from my studies and the deeper I explored myself it became clearer to me what my purpose was all about. As my purpose became clearer my life began to change on all levels. I realized that finding purpose wasn’t necessarily just about finding the “perfect” career, it is a way of being and living, it is about being fully alive and having an ideal to live by. I began to experience profound healing, clarity on the lifestyle i wanted to live, new level’s of success in my career, my finances stabilised and flourished while also attracting deeper levels of connection with friends and community that i had never experienced before.

- Mark Maclean

“Your soul knows all about it, it’s just waiting for you.”

Roberto Assagioli